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import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import com.ireasoning.protocol.Session;
import com.ireasoning.protocol.snmp.*;
import com.ireasoning.util.ParseArguments;
public abstract class snmp
protected ParseArguments _parseArgs;
protected int _port;
protected int _version;
protected String _host;
protected String _authProtocol;
protected String _authPassword;
protected int _privProtocol = SnmpConst.DES;
protected String _privPassword;
protected String _community;
protected String _user;
protected String _context;
protected String[] _oids ;
protected boolean _isSnmpV3;
protected boolean _numericalOID = false;
protected String[] _mibFiles;
protected String _mibString;
protected int _transportLayer;
protected void printUsage(String programName, boolean allowMultipleOIDs)
usage(programName, allowMultipleOIDs);
System.out.println( "\nwhere possible options include:");
System.out.println( "-?\tprint this Usage");
System.out.println( "-h\tprint this Usage");
System.out.println( "-o\tprint oids numerically");
System.out.println( "-c <c>\tcommunity name");
System.out.println( "-v <1|2|3>\tspecifies snmp version to use, default is 1");
System.out.println( "-p <p>\tport number");
System.out.println( "-m <m>\tmib files to load. Use ',' or ';' to separate multiple files");
System.out.println("-k <UDP|TCP>\ttransport layer, possible values are UDP or TCP");
System.out.println( "\nSNMPv3 options:");
System.out.println( "-u <u>\tuser name");
System.out.println( "-t <t>\tcontext name");
System.out.println( "-a <a>\tauthentication algorithm, one of MD5, SHA, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384 OR SHA512. MD5 by default.");
System.out.println( "-A <A>\tauthentication password");
System.out.println( "-x <x>\tprivacy algorithm, one of DES, AES, AES192 or AES256. DES by default.");
System.out.println( "-X <X>\tprivacy password");
System.out.println( "\nExample:");
protected void usage(String programName, boolean allowMultipleOIDs)
System.out.println( "Usage: java " + programName +
" [options...] <hostname> [<OID> ...]\n");
System.out.println( "<OID>\tobject identifiers, .1.3 by default. Or MIB node name if MIB loaded");
System.out.println( "Usage: java " + programName +
" [options...] <hostname> [<OID>]\n");
System.out.println( "<OID>\tobject identifier, .1.3 by default.");
protected void moreOptions()
protected void printExample(String programName)
System.out.println( "java " + programName + " localhost .1.3");
System.out.println( "java " + programName + " localhost");
System.out.println( "java " + programName +
" localhost -v 3 -u newUser -A abc12345 -X abc12345 .1.3" );
protected void print(SnmpPdu pdu)
print(pdu, System.out);
protected void print(SnmpPdu pdu, PrintStream p)
if(pdu.getErrorStatus() > 0)
{ System.out.println( "PDU error status = " + pdu.getErrorStatusString());
System.out.println( "Authentication failure. Reason:");
print(pdu.getVarBinds(), p);
private void printAuthFailReason(SnmpPdu pdu)
SnmpVarBind vb = pdu.getFirstVarBind();
if(vb != null)
public static void printAuthFailReason(SnmpOID oid)
System.out.println( "Reason: Unknown user name");
else if(oid.equals(AgentUsmStats.USM_STATS_DECRYPTION_ERRORS))
System.out.println( "USM decryption error");
else if(oid.equals(AgentUsmStats.USM_STATS_WRONG_DIGESTS))
System.out.println( "Wrong digest");
else if(oid.equals(AgentUsmStats.USM_STATS_UNKNOWN_ENGINE_IDS))
System.out.println( "Unkown engine ID");
else if(oid.equals(AgentUsmStats.USM_STATS_NOT_IN_TIMEWINDOWS))
System.out.println( "Not in time windows");
else if(oid.equals(AgentUsmStats.USM_STATS_UNSUPPORTED_SEC_LEVELS))
System.out.println( "Unsupported security levels");
protected void print(SnmpVarBind[] varbinds)
print(varbinds, System.out);
protected void print(SnmpVarBind[] varbinds, PrintStream p)
for (int i = 0; i < varbinds.length ; i++)
print(varbinds[i], p);
protected void print(SnmpVarBind var)
print(var, System.out);
protected void print(SnmpVarBind var, PrintStream p)
if(var == null)
SnmpDataType n = var.getName();
SnmpDataType v = var.getValue();
if(n == null)
p.println( "SnmpVarBind 's name is null" );
String oid = n.toString();
String value = v.toString();
NameValue nv = MibUtil.translate(oid, value, true);
if(nv != null)
oid = nv.getName();
value = nv.getValue();
if( v.getType() == SnmpDataType.TIMETICKS )
{ value = ((SnmpTimeTicks) v).getTimeString();
else if( v.getType() == SnmpDataType.END_OF_MIB_VIEW )
p.println( "End of MIB reached.");
else if( v.getType() == SnmpDataType.NO_SUCH_OBJECT )
p.println( "No such object.");
else if( v.getType() == SnmpDataType.NO_SUCH_INSTANCE )
p.println( "No such Instance.");
p.println( oid + "\r\nValue (" + v.getTypeString() +
"): "+ value + "\r\n");
protected ParseArguments newParseArgumentsInstance(String[] args)
return new ParseArguments(args, "?ho", "utvaAXxcpmk");
protected void parseOptions(String[] args, String program)
parseOptions(args, program, true, false);
protected void parseOptions(String[] args,
String programName,
boolean allowMultipleOIDs,
boolean allowNoOption)
_parseArgs = newParseArgumentsInstance(args);
if(_parseArgs.isSwitchPresent('?') ||
_parseArgs.isSwitchPresent('h') ||
(!allowNoOption && args.length == 0))
{ printUsage(programName, allowMultipleOIDs);
_numericalOID = _parseArgs.isSwitchPresent('o');
_version = Integer.parseInt(_parseArgs.getOptionValue('v', "1")) ; if( _version < 3) _version --;
_isSnmpV3 = ( _version == SnmpConst.SNMPV3 );
SnmpSession.loadMib2(); _mibString = _parseArgs.getOptionValue('m');
if(_mibString != null && _mibString.length() > 0)
{ _mibFiles = parseMibFiles(_mibString);
for (int i = 0; i < _mibFiles.length ; i++)
System.out.println( "Load MIB: " + _mibFiles[i]);
catch(java.text.ParseException pe)
System.out.println( "MIB file (" + _mibFiles[i] + ") has syntax errors");
catch(IOException ie)
System.out.println( "Can't load mib file: " +
{ _user = _parseArgs.getOptionValue('u');
if(_user == null)
throw new RuntimeException("User name has to be provided.");
_context = _parseArgs.getOptionValue('t');
_authProtocol = _parseArgs.getOptionValue('a', "MD5"); if(_authProtocol.equalsIgnoreCase("md5"))
_authProtocol = SnmpConst.MD5;
else if(_authProtocol.equalsIgnoreCase("sha"))
_authProtocol = SnmpConst.SHA;
else if(_authProtocol.equalsIgnoreCase("sha224"))
_authProtocol = SnmpConst.SHA224;
else if(_authProtocol.equalsIgnoreCase("sha256"))
_authProtocol = SnmpConst.SHA256;
else if(_authProtocol.equalsIgnoreCase("sha384"))
_authProtocol = SnmpConst.SHA384;
else if(_authProtocol.equalsIgnoreCase("sha512"))
_authProtocol = SnmpConst.SHA512;
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown authentication algorithm.");
String s = _parseArgs.getOptionValue('x', "des"); if(s.equalsIgnoreCase("des"))
_privProtocol = SnmpConst.DES;
else if(s.equalsIgnoreCase("aes"))
_privProtocol = SnmpConst.AES;
else if(s.equalsIgnoreCase("aes192"))
_privProtocol = SnmpConst.AES192;
else if(s.equalsIgnoreCase("aes256"))
_privProtocol = SnmpConst.AES256;
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown privacy algorithm.");
_authPassword = _parseArgs.getOptionValue('A');
_privPassword = _parseArgs.getOptionValue('X');
_community = _parseArgs.getOptionValue('c', "public");
_port = Integer.parseInt(_parseArgs.getOptionValue('p', "161"));
String transport = _parseArgs.getOptionValue('k', "UDP");
_transportLayer = "UDP".equalsIgnoreCase(transport) ? Session.UDP : Session.TCP;
protected void parseArgs()
String [] as = _parseArgs.getArguments();
if(as.length > 0)
_host = as[0];
if(as.length > 1)
_oids = new String[as.length - 1];
for (int i = 1; i < as.length ; i++)
_oids[i - 1] = as[i];
_oids = new String[]{".1.3"};
protected void printOptions()
System.out.println( "Options:");
System.out.println( "_____________________________________");
System.out.println( "host =\t\t\t" + _host);
System.out.println( "port =\t\t\t" + _port);
System.out.println( "isSnmpV3 =\t\t" + _isSnmpV3);
System.out.println( "authProtocol =\t\t" + _authProtocol);
System.out.println( "authPassword =\t\t" + _authPassword);
System.out.println( "privProtocol =\t\t" + _privProtocol);
System.out.println( "privPassword =\t\t" + _privPassword);
System.out.println( "community =\t\t" + _community);
System.out.println( "user =\t\t\t" + _user);
System.out.println( "mib files =\t\t" + _mibString);
System.out.println( "_____________________________________");
protected void printMoreOptions()
private static String[] parseMibFiles(String mibs)
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(mibs, ";,");
int size = st.countTokens() ;
String[] mibFiles = new String[size];
int i = 0;
while (st.hasMoreTokens())
mibFiles[i++] = st.nextToken();
return mibFiles;
public static SnmpDataType translate(String type, String value)
return new SnmpInt(Integer.parseInt(value));
else if(type.equals("u"))
return new SnmpUInt(Long.parseLong(value));
else if(type.equals("t"))
return new SnmpTimeTicks(Long.parseLong(value));
else if(type.equals("a"))
return new SnmpIpAddress(value);
else if(type.equals("o"))
return new SnmpOID(value);
else if(type.equals("s"))
return new SnmpOctetString(value);
else if(type.equals("x"))
return new SnmpOctetString(SnmpOctetString.getBytes(value));
else if(type.equals("c"))
return new SnmpCounter32(value);
else if(type.equals("g"))
return new SnmpGauge32(value);
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown data type");
public static byte [] getHexString(String text)
if(text.startsWith("0x") || text.startsWith("0X"))
{ int len = text.length() - 2;
if(len % 2 != 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal hex string");
byte [] ret = new byte[len/2];
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len ; )
String s = text.substring(i + 2, i + 4);
int value = Integer.parseInt(s, 16);
ret[j++] = (byte) value;
i += 2;
return ret;
{ return text.getBytes();