Class SnmpSession

  extended bycom.ireasoning.protocol.ListenerManager
      extended bycom.ireasoning.protocol.Session
          extended bycom.ireasoning.protocol.snmp.SnmpBaseSession
              extended bycom.ireasoning.protocol.snmp.SnmpSession
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, State

public class SnmpSession
extends SnmpBaseSession

This class implements a session for sending/receiving snmp message. By default, UDP is the underlying transport layer. But TCP transport layer is also supported.
The snmp requests are retried if time out. The default retry times is 3, but is configurable by using setRetries(int retries) method.

Note: Synchronous and asynchronous methods cannot be used together in one SnmpSession object. For example, for an SnmpSession object session, if you already use session.asyncSnmpGetRequest(...), another call to session.snmpGetRequest(...) may not work correctly.

See Also:
SnmpPdu, snmpget.java example, Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.ireasoning.protocol.Session
_localAddr, _localPort, _state, _target, _thread, _timeout, _transportLayer, _tries, DEFAULT_TIME_OUT, TCP, UDP
Fields inherited from class com.ireasoning.protocol.ListenerManager
Fields inherited from interface com.ireasoning.core.jmx.State
Constructor Summary
SnmpSession(SnmpTarget target)
          Creates an SnmpSession using the default UDP protocol.
SnmpSession(SnmpTarget target, int transportLayer)
          Constructs a new SnmpSession.
SnmpSession(SnmpTarget target, int transportLayer, InetAddress localAddr, int localPort)
          Constructs a new SnmpSession.
SnmpSession(String hostname, int port, String readCommunity, String writeCommunity, int version)
          Creates an SnmpSession
SnmpSession(String hostname, int port, String readCommunity, String writeCommunity, int version, int transportLayer)
          Creates an SnmpSession
Method Summary
 void asyncSend(SnmpPdu pdu)
          Used for asynchronous communication.
 SnmpPdu asyncSnmpGetBulkRequest(SnmpOID[] oids, int nonRepeaters, int maxRepetitions)
          Issues SNMP GET_BULK command asynchronously
 SnmpPdu asyncSnmpGetBulkRequest(String[] oids, int nonRepeaters, int maxRepetitions)
          Issues SNMP GET_BULK command asynchronously
 SnmpPdu asyncSnmpGetNextRequest(SnmpOID oid)
          Issues SNMP GET_NEXT command asynchronously
 SnmpPdu asyncSnmpGetNextRequest(SnmpOID[] oids)
          Issues SNMP GET_NEXT command asynchronously
 SnmpPdu asyncSnmpGetNextRequest(String oid)
          Issues SNMP GET_NEXT command asynchronously
 SnmpPdu asyncSnmpGetNextRequest(String[] oids)
          Issues SNMP GET_NEXT command asynchronously
 SnmpPdu asyncSnmpGetRequest(SnmpOID oid)
          Issues SNMP GET command asynchronously
 SnmpPdu asyncSnmpGetRequest(SnmpOID[] oids)
          Issues SNMP GET command asynchronously
 SnmpPdu asyncSnmpGetRequest(String oid)
          Issues SNMP GET command asynchronously
 SnmpPdu asyncSnmpGetRequest(String[] oids)
          Issues SNMP GET command asynchronously
 ArrayList broadcastDiscovery(SnmpOID oid)
          Sends out an SNMP broadcast message without retries.
 void close()
          close the session
 String getMibVersion()
          Returns the mib version associated with this session
 TransportData getPduData(SnmpPdu pdu)
          Gets the PDU data in byte array format
 SnmpEngine getSnmpV3Engine()
          Returns the discovered SNMPv3 engine object.
static SnmpEngine getSnmpV3EngineByDiscovery(SnmpSession session)
          Gets the SNMPv3 engine info thru SNMPv3 discovery.
 UsmUser getSnmpV3User()
          Returns the SNMPv3 USM user object.
 Target getTarget()
          Returns the SnmpTarget object that represents properties of remote agent.
 int getTimeoutForAsyncRequests()
 Properties getV3Params()
          Returns SNMPv3 parameters in a Properties.
 int getVersion()
          Returns the SNMP version number supported in this session
static void loadMib(String mibFileName)
          Loads mib file, so MIB node name can also be used besides numeric OID.
static void loadMib(String mibFileName, boolean isStrict)
          Loads mib file, so MIB node name can also be used besides numeric OID.
static void loadMib(String mibFileName, boolean isStrict, String mibVersion)
          Loads mib file, so MIB node name can also be used besides numeric OID.
static void loadMib(String mibFileName, String mibVersion)
          Loads mib file, so MIB node name can also be used besides numeric OID.
static void loadMib2()
          Loads MIB-II (RFC1213) from the built-in resource file.
static void loadMibs(String[] fileNames, boolean isStrict, String mibVersion)
          Loads multiple MIB files.
static void loadMibs(String[] fileNames, String mibVersion)
          Loads multiple MIB files.
static MibTreeNode parseMib(String fileName)
          Returns the MIB tree representation in a MibTreeNode object, which is the root of the MIB tree.
static MibTreeNode parseMib(String fileName, boolean isStrict)
          Returns the MIB tree representation in a MibTreeNode object, which is the root of the MIB tree.
static MibTreeNode[] parseMibsWithoutMerge(String[] fileNames)
          Parses passed MIB files strictly.
static MibTreeNode[] parseMibsWithoutMerge(String[] fileNames, boolean isStrict)
          Parses passed MIB files.
protected  Object receiveObject()
          Callback method, it gets called when a new packet is received
 SnmpPdu send(SnmpPdu pdu)
          Sends out SnmpPdu, it blocks until response comes back.
protected  void sendPdu(SnmpPdu pdu, boolean addToReqMap)
          Sends out PDU
 void setMibVersion(String mibVersion)
          Associates this SNMP session with the passed mibVersion.
 boolean setSnmpV3Engine(SnmpEngine engine)
          Sets SNMPv3 engine, so that SNMPv3 discovery won't occur and the session will use the passed engine object to communicate with SNMPv3 agent.
 void setTarget(SnmpTarget target)
          Sets a new target
 void setTarget(Target target)
          Sets a new target
 void setTimeout(int timeout)
          Sets time out value of underlying Socket of synchronous requests.
 void setTimeoutForAsyncRequests(int timeout)
          Set timeout value for asynchronous requests.
static void setToUseJCE(boolean b)
          Choose to use SUN JCE for SNMPv3 encryption
 void setV3Params(String userName, String authProtocol, int privProtocol, byte[] authKey, byte[] privKey, String contextName, byte[] contextEngineID)
          Sets SNMPV3 USM user information if you know localized authentication and privacy keys.
 void setV3Params(String userName, String authProtocol, String authPassword, int privProtocol, String privPassword)
          Sets SNMPV3 USM user information, assuming empty contextName ("") and contextEngineID ( zero length byte array, that is, 'new byte[0]') .
 void setV3Params(String userName, String authProtocol, String authPassword, int privProtocol, String privPassword, String contextName, byte[] contextEngineID)
          Sets SNMPV3 USM user information.
 void setV3Params(String userName, String authProtocol, String authPassword, int privProtocol, String privPassword, String contextName, byte[] contextEngineID, boolean keyExpansionWithEngineID)
          Sets SNMPV3 USM user information.
 void setV3Params(String userName, String authProtocol, String authPassword, String privPassword)
          Sets SNMPV3 USM user information, assuming empty contextName ("") and contextEngineID ( zero length byte array, that is, 'new byte[0]') .
 void setV3Params(String userName, String authProtocol, String authPassword, String privPassword, String contextName, byte[] contextEngineID)
          Sets SNMPV3 USM user information.
 void setVerifyAddress(boolean verify)
 void setVersion(int version)
          Sets the SNMP version number supported in this session
 void snmpBulkGetSubtree(SnmpOID startingOID, Listener listener)
          The GetSubtree operation allows a management application to retrieve "subtrees" of MIB data asynchronously.
 void snmpBulkGetSubtree(SnmpOID startingOID, Listener listener, int maxRepetitions)
          The GetSubtree operation allows a management application to retrieve "subtrees" of MIB data asynchronously.
 void snmpBulkGetSubtree(String startingOID, Listener listener)
          The GetSubtree operation allows a management application to retrieve "subtrees" of MIB data asynchronously.
 void snmpBulkWalk(SnmpOID startingOID, Listener listener)
          Uses SNMPV2 GET_BULK requests to query a network entity efficiently for a tree of information asynchronously.
 void snmpBulkWalk(String startingOID, Listener listener)
          Uses SNMPV2 GET_BULK requests to query a network entity efficiently for a tree of information asynchronously.
 SnmpPdu snmpGetBulkRequest(SnmpOID[] oids, int nonRepeaters, int maxRepetitions)
          Issues SNMP GET_BULK command, it blocks until response comes back
 SnmpPdu snmpGetBulkRequest(String[] oids, int nonRepeaters, int maxRepetitions)
          Issues SNMP GET_BULK command, it blocks until response comes back
 SnmpPdu snmpGetNextRequest(SnmpOID oid)
          Issues SNMP GET command, it blocks until response comes back
 SnmpPdu snmpGetNextRequest(SnmpOID[] oids)
          Issues SNMP GET command, it blocks until response comes back
 SnmpPdu snmpGetNextRequest(String oid)
          Issues SNMP GET command, it blocks until response comes back
 SnmpPdu snmpGetNextRequest(String[] oids)
          Issues SNMP GET command, it blocks until response comes back
 SnmpPdu snmpGetRequest(SnmpOID oid)
          Issues SNMP GET command, it blocks until response comes back
 SnmpPdu snmpGetRequest(SnmpOID[] oids)
          Issues SNMP GET command, it blocks until response comes back
 void snmpGetRequest(SnmpOID start, SnmpOID end, Listener listener)
          Synchronous request to retrieve all instances between passed start and end
 SnmpPdu snmpGetRequest(String oid)
          Issues SNMP GET command, it blocks until response comes back
 SnmpPdu snmpGetRequest(String[] oids)
          Issues SNMP GET command, it blocks until response comes back
 SnmpVarBind[] snmpGetSubtree(SnmpOID startingOID)
          The GetSubtree operation allows a management application to retrieve "subtrees" of MIB data.
 void snmpGetSubtree(SnmpOID startingOID, Listener listener)
          The GetSubtree operation allows a management application to retrieve "subtrees" of MIB data asynchronously.
 SnmpVarBind[] snmpGetSubtree(SnmpOID startingOID, SnmpError error)
          The GetSubtree operation allows a management application to retrieve "subtrees" of MIB data.
 SnmpVarBind[] snmpGetSubtree(String startingOID)
          The GetSubtree operation allows a management application to retrieve "subtrees" of MIB data.
 void snmpGetSubtree(String startingOID, Listener listener)
          The GetSubtree operation allows a management application to retrieve "subtrees" of MIB data asynchronously.
 SnmpVarBind[] snmpGetSubtree(String startingOID, SnmpError error)
          The GetSubtree operation allows a management application to retrieve "subtrees" of MIB data.
 boolean snmpGetTable(MibTreeNode tableNode, SnmpTableModel model, int maxVarBindCount)
          Gets whole MIB table and returns an SnmpTableModel object which contains retrieved data
 SnmpTableModel snmpGetTable(String tableName)
          Gets whole MIB table and returns an SnmpTableModel object which contains retrieved data
 SnmpTableModel snmpGetTable(String tableName, int maxVarBindCount)
          Gets whole MIB table and returns an SnmpTableModel object which contains retrieved data
 boolean snmpGetTable(String tableName, SnmpTableModel model)
          Gets whole MIB table and returns an SnmpTableModel object which contains retrieved data
 boolean snmpGetTable(String tableName, SnmpTableModel model, int maxVarBindCount)
          Gets whole MIB table and returns an SnmpTableModel object which contains retrieved data
 SnmpVarBind[] snmpGetTableColumn(SnmpOID columnOID)
          Returns the values of passed table column.
 SnmpVarBind[] snmpGetTableColumn(String columnName)
          Returns the values of passed table column.
 SnmpVarBind[] snmpGetTableColumn(String columnName, SnmpError error)
          Returns the values of passed table column.
 SnmpPdu snmpInformRequest(long sysUpTime, SnmpOID snmpTrapOID, SnmpVarBind[] vbs)
          Sends SNMPv2c/v3 INFORM request to the remote trap receiver.
The default port for sending inform requests (162) is not the same used for the GET, GET_NEXT, SET etc...
 SnmpPdu snmpSetRequest(SnmpPdu pdu)
          Issues SNMP SET command, it blocks until response comes back
 SnmpPdu snmpSetRequest(SnmpVarBind varbind)
          Issues SNMP SET command, it blocks until response comes back
 void snmpWalk(SnmpOID startingOID, Listener listener)
          This method does SNMP walk, starting from the startingOID, walk through the MIBs until end of mib view is reached.
 void snmpWalk(String startingOID, Listener listener)
          This method does SNMP walk, starting from the startingOID, walk through the MIBs until end of mib view is reached.
static void unloadMib(String fileName)
          Unloads MIB file
 void write(SnmpPdu pdu)
          Similar to send(SnmpPdu) method, but it returns immediately and no wait for the response.
Methods inherited from class com.ireasoning.protocol.snmp.SnmpBaseSession
addEngine, addEngine, lookupEngine, lookupEngine, lookupEngine, lookupUsmUser, removeEngine, removeEngine, removeEngine, removeEngine, removeUsmUser
Methods inherited from class com.ireasoning.protocol.Session
finalize, getRetries, getState, getStateString, getTimeout, getTransportLayer, getTransportLayer, open, open, open, reopen, setRetries, setTransportLayer, setTransportLayer, startThread
Methods inherited from class com.ireasoning.protocol.ListenerManager
addListener, listenerExists, notifyListeners, notifyListeners, removeListener
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SnmpSession(String hostname,
                   int port,
                   String readCommunity,
                   String writeCommunity,
                   int version)
            throws IOException
Creates an SnmpSession

hostname - host name or ip address of snmp agent
port - port number of snmp agent
readCommunity - community name for snmp read operations, such as GET, GET_NEXT, GET_BULK, INFORM. It does not matter if this is a SNMPv3 session
writeCommunity - community name for snmp write operation (SNMP SET). It does not matter if this is a SNMPv3 session
version - the snmp version supported by agent, one of { SnmpConst.SNMPV1, SnmpConst.SNMPV2, SnmpConst.SNMPV3 }, whose values are {0, 1, 3}
IOException - raised if can't connect to agent
IllegalArgumentException - raised if any of passed arguments is invalid


public SnmpSession(String hostname,
                   int port,
                   String readCommunity,
                   String writeCommunity,
                   int version,
                   int transportLayer)
            throws IOException
Creates an SnmpSession

hostname - host name or ip address of snmp agent
port - port number of snmp agent
readCommunity - community name for snmp read operations, such as GET, GET_NEXT, GET_BULK, INFORM. It does not matter if this is a SNMPv3 session
writeCommunity - community name for snmp write operation (SNMP SET). It does not matter if this is a SNMPv3 session
version - the snmp version supported by agent, one of { SnmpConst.SNMPV1, SnmpConst.SNMPV2, SnmpConst.SNMPV3 }, whose values are {0, 1, 3}
transportLayer - the transport layer to use. UDP is the default. Possible values are {Session.TCP, Session.UDP}
IOException - raised if can't connect to agent
IllegalArgumentException - raised if any of passed arguments is invalid


public SnmpSession(SnmpTarget target,
                   int transportLayer)
            throws IOException
Constructs a new SnmpSession.

target - an instance contains agent's properties, such as host name, port number, community name, snmp version number.
transportLayer - the transport layer to use. UDP is the default. Possible values are {Session.TCP, Session.UDP}
IOException - raised if can't connect to agent


public SnmpSession(SnmpTarget target,
                   int transportLayer,
                   InetAddress localAddr,
                   int localPort)
            throws IOException
Constructs a new SnmpSession.

target - an instance contains agent's properties, such as host name, port number, community name, snmp version number.
transportLayer - the transport layer to use. UDP is the default. Possible values are {Session.TCP, Session.UDP}
localAddr - the local address the socket is bound to. If the IP address is, the socket will be bound to the wildcard address, an IP address chosen by the kernel.
localPort - the local port the socket is bound to. The local port must be between 0 and 65535 inclusive.
IOException - raised if can't connect to agent


public SnmpSession(SnmpTarget target)
            throws IOException
Creates an SnmpSession using the default UDP protocol.

target - a object contains agent's properties, such as host name, port number, community name.
IOException - raised if can't connect to agent
Method Detail


public void setMibVersion(String mibVersion)
Associates this SNMP session with the passed mibVersion. It's only necessary when you need to load multiple versions of one MIB.

mibVersion - If you have multiple versions of a MIB module, this parameter is used to distinguish different versions. It doesn't have to be the same as the actual version number, but it has to be unique among all the MIBs with the same module name.


public String getMibVersion()
Returns the mib version associated with this session


public static void loadMib(String mibFileName,
                           String mibVersion)
                    throws IOException,
Loads mib file, so MIB node name can also be used besides numeric OID. It's equivalent to calling MibUtil.loadMib method. This method is the same as loadMib(mibFileName, true)
Note: It's a static method, so a MIB only needs to be loaded once in a JVM.

mibFileName - mib file name. If this file is already loaded, nothing happens
mibVersion - If you have multiple versions of a MIB module, this parameter is used to distinguish different versions. It doesn't have to be the same as the actual version number, but it has to be unique among all the MIBs with the same module name. Use null if only no multiple versions of a mib.
IOException - raised if mib file not found
ParseException - raised if mib file is corrupted
See Also:
MibUtil.loadMib(java.lang.String), setMibVersion(java.lang.String), loadMib2()


public static void loadMib(String mibFileName)
                    throws IOException,
Loads mib file, so MIB node name can also be used besides numeric OID. It's equivalent to calling MibUtil.loadMib method. This method is the same as loadMib(mibFileName, true)
Note: It's a static method, so a MIB only needs to be loaded once in a JVM.

mibFileName - mib file name. If this file is already loaded, nothing happens
IOException - raised if mib file not found
ParseException - raised if mib file is corrupted
See Also:
MibUtil.loadMib(java.lang.String), setMibVersion(java.lang.String), loadMib2()


public static void loadMib(String mibFileName,
                           boolean isStrict,
                           String mibVersion)
                    throws IOException,
Loads mib file, so MIB node name can also be used besides numeric OID. It's equivalent to calling MibUtil.loadMib method.
Note: It's a static method, so a MIB only needs to be loaded once in a JVM.

mibFileName - mib file name. If this file is already loaded, nothing happens
isStrict - if true, MIB is parsed strictly, any error in MIB will raise exception. Otherwise only an error message is written to log file
mibVersion - If you have multiple versions of a MIB module, this parameter is used to distinguish different versions. It doesn't have to be the same as the actual version number, but it has to be unique among all the MIBs with the same module name. Use null if only no multiple versions of a mib.
IOException - raised if mib file not found
ParseException - raised if mib file is corrupted
See Also:
MibUtil.loadMib(java.lang.String), setMibVersion(java.lang.String), loadMib2()


public static void loadMib(String mibFileName,
                           boolean isStrict)
                    throws IOException,
Loads mib file, so MIB node name can also be used besides numeric OID. It's equivalent to calling MibUtil.loadMib method.
Note: It's a static method, so a MIB only needs to be loaded once in a JVM.

mibFileName - mib file name. If this file is already loaded, nothing happens
isStrict - if true, MIB is parsed strictly, any error in MIB will raise exception. Otherwise only an error message is written to log file
IOException - raised if mib file not found
ParseException - raised if mib file is corrupted
See Also:
MibUtil.loadMib(java.lang.String), loadMib2()


public static void loadMib2()
Loads MIB-II (RFC1213) from the built-in resource file. It's equivalent to calling MibUtil.loadMib2 method.
Note: It's a static method, so a MIB only needs to be loaded once in a JVM.

See Also:
MibUtil.loadMib2(), loadMib(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


public static void loadMibs(String[] fileNames,
                            String mibVersion)
                     throws IOException,
Loads multiple MIB files.

fileNames - MIB file names
mibVersion - If you have multiple versions of a MIB module, this parameter is used to distinguish different versions. It doesn't have to be the same as the actual version number, but it has to be unique among all the MIBs with the same module name. Use null if only no multiple versions of a mib.
See Also:
loadMib(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


public static void loadMibs(String[] fileNames,
                            boolean isStrict,
                            String mibVersion)
                     throws IOException,
Loads multiple MIB files.

fileNames - MIB file names
isStrict - if true, MIB is parsed strictly, any error in MIB will raise exception. Otherwise only an error message is written to log file
mibVersion - If you have multiple versions of a MIB module, this parameter is used to distinguish different versions. It doesn't have to be the same as the actual version number, but it has to be unique among all the MIBs with the same module name. Use null if only no multiple versions of a mib.
See Also:
loadMib(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


public static void unloadMib(String fileName)
Unloads MIB file

fileName - mib file to unload. If this file was not loaded, nothing happens


public static MibTreeNode parseMib(String fileName)
                            throws IOException,
Returns the MIB tree representation in a MibTreeNode object, which is the root of the MIB tree. The parser is capable of parsing both SMIv1 (SNMPv1) and SMIv2 (SNMPv2/v3) MIBs.

fileName - file name of the MIB
root node


public static MibTreeNode parseMib(String fileName,
                                   boolean isStrict)
                            throws IOException,
Returns the MIB tree representation in a MibTreeNode object, which is the root of the MIB tree. The parser is capable of parsing both SMIv1 (SNMPv1) and SMIv2 (SNMPv2/v3) MIBs.

fileName - file name of the MIB
isStrict - if true, MIB is parsed strictly, any error in MIB will raise exception. Otherwise only an error message is written to log file
root node


public static MibTreeNode[] parseMibsWithoutMerge(String[] fileNames)
                                           throws IOException,
Parses passed MIB files strictly. and returns tree representation for each of the MIBs. No merge of trees is performed.

fileNames - file names of the MIBs
MibTreeNode array corresponding to the passed fileNames


public static MibTreeNode[] parseMibsWithoutMerge(String[] fileNames,
                                                  boolean isStrict)
                                           throws IOException,
Parses passed MIB files. and returns tree representation for each of the MIBs. No merge of trees is performed.

fileNames - file names of the MIBs
isStrict - if true, MIB is parsed strictly, any error in MIB will raise exception. Otherwise only an error message is written to log file
MibTreeNode array corresponding to the passed fileNames


protected void sendPdu(SnmpPdu pdu,
                       boolean addToReqMap)
                throws IOException
Sends out PDU

pdu - pdu to be sent
addToReqMap - true to add this pdu to the request ID map, which is used to correlate request and respons. It should be true in asynchronous mode, false in synchronous mode.
IOException - raised if can't send data to remote host


public TransportData getPduData(SnmpPdu pdu)
                         throws SnmpEncodingException
Gets the PDU data in byte array format

pdu - PDU object to be converted to byte array
PDU data in byte array format
SnmpEncodingException - raised if PDU's data is corrupted


public void asyncSend(SnmpPdu pdu)
               throws IOException
Used for asynchronous communication. Caller needs call addListener(Listener) first to register a listener object, then call this method to send out PDU, a separate thread (only one thread) will notify listener later about received PDU. It doesn't block after calling this method.

pdu - a pdu to be sent out.
IOException - if socket is not valid.
See Also:
send(SnmpPdu), snmpasyncget.java example


public SnmpPdu asyncSnmpGetRequest(String oid)
                            throws IOException
Issues SNMP GET command asynchronously

oid - the SNMP OID to be sent to the agent. If it's a MIB node name (such as "sysUpTime", "ifAdminStatus.2"), it'll be converted to SnmpOID first if corresponding MIB file has been loaded by calling loadMib method.
the request PDU object
IllegalArgumentException - if passed MIB node name (such as "sysUpTime") cannot be resolved
IOException - if socket is not valid.
See Also:
snmpasyncget.java example, asyncSend(SnmpPdu), asyncSnmpGetRequest(SnmpOID), asyncSnmpGetRequest(String[])


public SnmpPdu asyncSnmpGetRequest(SnmpOID oid)
                            throws IOException
Issues SNMP GET command asynchronously

oid - the SNMP OID to be sent to the agent
the request PDU object
IOException - if socket is not valid.
See Also:
snmpasyncget.java example, asyncSend(SnmpPdu), asyncSnmpGetRequest(String), asyncSnmpGetRequest(SnmpOID[]), asyncSnmpGetRequest(String)


public SnmpPdu asyncSnmpGetRequest(String[] oids)
                            throws IOException
Issues SNMP GET command asynchronously

oids - the SNMP OIDs to be sent to the agent. If it's a MIB node name (such as "sysUpTime", "ifAdminStatus.2"), it'll be converted to SnmpOID first if corresponding MIB file has been loaded by calling loadMib method.
the request PDU object
IOException - if socket is not valid.
IllegalArgumentException - if passed MIB node name (such as "sysUpTime") cannot be resolved
See Also:
snmpasyncget.java example


public SnmpPdu asyncSnmpGetRequest(SnmpOID[] oids)
                            throws IOException
Issues SNMP GET command asynchronously

oids - the SNMP OIDs to be sent to the agent in one request
the request PDU object
IOException - if socket is not valid.
See Also:
asyncSnmpGetRequest(SnmpOID), asyncSnmpGetRequest(String[]), snmpasyncget.java example


public SnmpPdu asyncSnmpGetNextRequest(String oid)
                                throws IOException
Issues SNMP GET_NEXT command asynchronously

oid - the SNMP OID to be sent to the agent. If it's a MIB node name (such as "sysUpTime", "ifAdminStatus.2"), it'll be converted to SnmpOID first if corresponding MIB file has been loaded by calling loadMib method.
the request PDU object
IOException - if socket is not valid.
IllegalArgumentException - if passed MIB node name (such as "sysUpTime") cannot be resolved
See Also:
asyncSnmpGetNextRequest(SnmpOID), asyncSnmpGetNextRequest(String[])


public SnmpPdu asyncSnmpGetNextRequest(SnmpOID oid)
                                throws IOException
Issues SNMP GET_NEXT command asynchronously

oid - the SNMP OID to be sent to the agent
the request PDU object
IOException - if socket is not valid.
See Also:
asyncSnmpGetNextRequest(SnmpOID[]), asyncSnmpGetNextRequest(String)


public SnmpPdu asyncSnmpGetNextRequest(String[] oids)
                                throws IOException
Issues SNMP GET_NEXT command asynchronously

oids - the SNMP OIDs to be sent to the agent. If it's a MIB node name (such as "sysUpTime", "ifAdminStatus.2"), it'll be converted to SnmpOID first if corresponding MIB file has been loaded by calling loadMib method.
the request PDU object
IOException - if socket is not valid.
IllegalArgumentException - if passed MIB node name (such as "sysUpTime") cannot be resolved


public SnmpPdu asyncSnmpGetNextRequest(SnmpOID[] oids)
                                throws IOException
Issues SNMP GET_NEXT command asynchronously

oids - the SNMP OIDs to be sent to the agent in one request
the request PDU object
IOException - if socket is not valid.
See Also:
asyncSnmpGetNextRequest(SnmpOID), asyncSnmpGetNextRequest(String[])


public SnmpPdu asyncSnmpGetBulkRequest(String[] oids,
                                       int nonRepeaters,
                                       int maxRepetitions)
                                throws IOException
Issues SNMP GET_BULK command asynchronously

oids - the SNMP OIDs to be sent to the agent. If it's a MIB node name (such as "sysUpTime", "ifAdminStatus.2"), it'll be converted to SnmpOID first if corresponding MIB file has been loaded by calling loadMib method.
nonRepeaters - - Number of variable bindings to get one time.
maxRepetitions - - Number of repetitions for the variable bindings to get multiple times.
the request PDU object
IllegalArgumentException - if passed MIB node name (such as "sysUpTime") cannot be resolved
IOException - if socket is not valid.


public SnmpPdu asyncSnmpGetBulkRequest(SnmpOID[] oids,
                                       int nonRepeaters,
                                       int maxRepetitions)
                                throws IOException
Issues SNMP GET_BULK command asynchronously

oids - the SNMP OIDs to be sent to the agent
nonRepeaters - - Number of variable bindings to get one time.
maxRepetitions - - Number of repetitions for the variable bindings to get multiple times.
the request PDU object
IOException - if socket is not valid.


public void write(SnmpPdu pdu)
           throws IOException
Similar to send(SnmpPdu) method, but it returns immediately and no wait for the response.

IOException - if socket is not valid.
See Also:


protected Object receiveObject()
                        throws IOException
Callback method, it gets called when a new packet is received

receiveObject in class SnmpBaseSession
an SnmpDataType object representing received data


public SnmpPdu send(SnmpPdu pdu)
             throws IOException
Sends out SnmpPdu, it blocks until response comes back. If you do not care about the response, write(SnmpPdu) method is a better choice.

pdu - the SnmpPdu to be sent
SnmpPdu the response corresponding to the request
IOException - if time out (after retries) or socket is not valid.
TimeoutException - if time out after retries (TimeoutException is a subclass of IOException)
See Also:
write(SnmpPdu), asyncSend(com.ireasoning.protocol.snmp.SnmpPdu)


public void setVerifyAddress(boolean verify)
verify - if true, received PDU's source address will be checked to match the target's address. The default behavior is not to verify.


public SnmpPdu snmpGetRequest(String oid)
                       throws IOException
Issues SNMP GET command, it blocks until response comes back

oid - the SNMP OID to be sent to the agent. If it's a MIB node name (such as "sysUpTime", "ifAdminStatus.2"), it'll be converted to SnmpOID first if corresponding MIB file has been loaded by calling loadMib method.
SnmpPdu the response corresponding to the request
IOException - if time out (after retries) or socket is not valid.
TimeoutException - if time out after retries (TimeoutException is a subclass of IOException)
IllegalArgumentException - if passed MIB node name (such as "sysUpTime") cannot be resolved
See Also:
snmpGetRequest(SnmpOID), snmpGetRequest(String[]), snmpget.java example


public SnmpPdu snmpGetRequest(SnmpOID oid)
                       throws IOException
Issues SNMP GET command, it blocks until response comes back

oid - the SNMP OID to be sent to the agent
SnmpPdu the response corresponding to the request
IOException - if time out (after retries) or socket is not valid.
TimeoutException - if time out after retries (TimeoutException is a subclass of IOException)
See Also:
snmpGetRequest(SnmpOID[]), snmpGetRequest(String), snmpget.java example


public SnmpPdu snmpGetRequest(String[] oids)
                       throws IOException
Issues SNMP GET command, it blocks until response comes back

oids - the SNMP OIDs to be sent to the agent. If it's a MIB node name (such as "sysUpTime", "ifAdminStatus.2"), it'll be converted to SnmpOID first if corresponding MIB file has been loaded by calling loadMib method.
SnmpPdu the response corresponding to the request
IOException - if time out (after retries) or socket is not valid.
TimeoutException - if time out after retries (TimeoutException is a subclass of IOException)
IllegalArgumentException - if passed MIB node name (such as "sysUpTime") cannot be resolved
See Also:
snmpget.java example


public SnmpPdu snmpGetRequest(SnmpOID[] oids)
                       throws IOException
Issues SNMP GET command, it blocks until response comes back

oids - the SNMP OIDs to be sent to the agent in one request
SnmpPdu the response corresponding to the request
IOException - if time out (after retries) or socket is not valid.
TimeoutException - if time out after retries (TimeoutException is a subclass of IOException)
See Also:
snmpGetRequest(SnmpOID), snmpGetRequest(String[]), snmpget.java example


public void snmpGetRequest(SnmpOID start,
                           SnmpOID end,
                           Listener listener)
                    throws IOException
Synchronous request to retrieve all instances between passed start and end

start - the starting oid, inclusive. null is not allowed.
end - the ending index, exclusive. If it is null, end-of-mib is used instead.
listener - a callback interface to be informed when a PDU is received. The msg passed to handleMsg method is an instance of SnmpPdu object.
IOException - if time out (after retries) or socket is not valid.
TimeoutException - if time out after retries (TimeoutException is a subclass of IOException)
IllegalArgumentException - if passed MIB node name (such as "sysUpTime") cannot be resolved
See Also:
Listener.handleMsg(java.lang.Object, com.ireasoning.protocol.Msg), snmpget.java example


public SnmpPdu snmpGetNextRequest(String oid)
                           throws IOException
Issues SNMP GET command, it blocks until response comes back

oid - the SNMP OID to be sent to the agent. If it's a MIB node name (such as "sysUpTime", "ifAdminStatus.2"), it'll be converted to SnmpOID first if corresponding MIB file has been loaded by calling loadMib method.
SnmpPdu the response corresponding to the request
IOException - if time out (after retries) or socket is not valid.
TimeoutException - if time out after retries (TimeoutException is a subclass of IOException)
IllegalArgumentException - if passed MIB node name (such as "sysUpTime") cannot be resolved
See Also:
snmpGetNextRequest(SnmpOID), snmpGetNextRequest(String[]), snmpgetnext.java example


public SnmpPdu snmpGetNextRequest(SnmpOID oid)
                           throws IOException
Issues SNMP GET command, it blocks until response comes back

oid - the SNMP OID to be sent to the agent
SnmpPdu the response corresponding to the request
IOException - if time out (after retries) or socket is not valid.
TimeoutException - if time out after retries (TimeoutException is a subclass of IOException)
See Also:
snmpGetNextRequest(String), snmpGetNextRequest(SnmpOID[]), snmpgetnext.java example


public SnmpPdu snmpGetNextRequest(String[] oids)
                           throws IOException
Issues SNMP GET command, it blocks until response comes back

oids - the SNMP OIDs to be sent to the agent. If it's a MIB node name (such as "sysUpTime", "ifAdminStatus.2"), it'll be converted to SnmpOID first if corresponding MIB file has been loaded by calling loadMib method.
SnmpPdu the response corresponding to the request
IOException - if time out (after retries) or socket is not valid.
IllegalArgumentException - if passed MIB node name (such as "sysUpTime") cannot be resolved
TimeoutException - if time out after retries (TimeoutException is a subclass of IOException)
See Also:
snmpGetNextRequest(SnmpOID[]), snmpGetNextRequest(String), snmpgetnext.java example


public SnmpPdu snmpGetNextRequest(SnmpOID[] oids)
                           throws IOException
Issues SNMP GET command, it blocks until response comes back

oids - the SNMP OIDs to be sent to the agent in one request
SnmpPdu the response corresponding to the request
IOException - if time out (after retries) or socket is not valid.
TimeoutException - if time out after retries (TimeoutException is a subclass of IOException)
See Also:
snmpGetNextRequest(String[]), snmpGetNextRequest(SnmpOID), snmpgetnext.java example


public SnmpPdu snmpSetRequest(SnmpVarBind varbind)
                       throws IOException
Issues SNMP SET command, it blocks until response comes back

varbind - the variable binding of the SET request
SnmpPdu the response corresponding to the request
IOException - if time out (after retries) or socket is not valid.
TimeoutException - if time out after retries (TimeoutException is a subclass of IOException)


public SnmpPdu snmpSetRequest(SnmpPdu pdu)
                       throws IOException
Issues SNMP SET command, it blocks until response comes back

pdu - the SNMP pdu to be sent
SnmpPdu the response corresponding to the request
IOException - if time out (after retries) or socket is not valid.
TimeoutException - if time out after retries (TimeoutException is a subclass of IOException)


public SnmpPdu snmpGetBulkRequest(String[] oids,
                                  int nonRepeaters,
                                  int maxRepetitions)
                           throws IOException
Issues SNMP GET_BULK command, it blocks until response comes back

oids - the SNMP OIDs to be sent to the agent. If it's a MIB node name (such as "sysUpTime", "ifAdminStatus.2"), it'll be converted to SnmpOID first if corresponding MIB file has been loaded by calling loadMib method.
nonRepeaters - - Number of variable bindings to get one time.
maxRepetitions - - Number of repetitions for the variable bindings to get multiple times.
SnmpPdu the response corresponding to the request
IOException - if time out (after retries) or socket is not valid.
IllegalArgumentException - if passed MIB node name (such as "sysUpTime") cannot be resolved
TimeoutException - if time out after retries (TimeoutException is a subclass of IOException)
See Also:
snmpgetbulk.java example


public SnmpPdu snmpGetBulkRequest(SnmpOID[] oids,
                                  int nonRepeaters,
                                  int maxRepetitions)
                           throws IOException
Issues SNMP GET_BULK command, it blocks until response comes back

oids - the SNMP OIDs to be sent to the agent
nonRepeaters - Number of variable bindings to get one time.
maxRepetitions - Number of repetitions for the variable bindings to get multiple times.
SnmpPdu the response corresponding to the request
IOException - if time out (after retries) or socket is not valid.
TimeoutException - if time out after retries (TimeoutException is a subclass of IOException)
See Also:
snmpgetbulk.java example


public void snmpWalk(String startingOID,
                     Listener listener)
              throws IOException
This method does SNMP walk, starting from the startingOID, walk through the MIBs until end of mib view is reached.

startingOID - the oid to start with. If it's a MIB node name (such as "sysUpTime", "ifAdminStatus.2"), it'll be converted to SnmpOID first if corresponding MIB file has been loaded by calling loadMib method.
listener - a callback interface to be informed when a PDU is received. The msg passed to handleMsg method is an instance of SnmpPdu object.
IOException - if time out (after retries) or socket is not valid.
IllegalArgumentException - if passed MIB node name (such as "sysUpTime") cannot be resolved
TimeoutException - if time out after retries (TimeoutException is a subclass of IOException)
See Also:
Listener.handleMsg(java.lang.Object, com.ireasoning.protocol.Msg), snmpwalk.java example


public void snmpWalk(SnmpOID startingOID,
                     Listener listener)
              throws IOException
This method does SNMP walk, starting from the startingOID, walk through the MIBs until end of mib view is reached.

startingOID - the oid to start with
listener - a callback interface to be informed when a PDU is received. The msg passed to handleMsg method is an instance of SnmpPdu object.
IOException - if time out (after retries) or socket is not valid.
TimeoutException - if time out after retries (TimeoutException is a subclass of IOException)
See Also:
Listener.handleMsg(java.lang.Object, com.ireasoning.protocol.Msg), snmpwalk.java example


public void snmpBulkWalk(String startingOID,
                         Listener listener)
                  throws IOException
Uses SNMPV2 GET_BULK requests to query a network entity efficiently for a tree of information asynchronously. (Note: it works only if agent support GET_BULK operation)

IOException - if time out (after retries) or socket is not valid.
TimeoutException - if time out after retries (TimeoutException is a subclass of IOException)
See Also:
snmpWalk(String, Listener), snmpbulkwalk.java example


public void snmpBulkWalk(SnmpOID startingOID,
                         Listener listener)
                  throws IOException
Uses SNMPV2 GET_BULK requests to query a network entity efficiently for a tree of information asynchronously. (Note: it works only if agent support GET_BULK operation)

IOException - if time out (after retries) or socket is not valid.
TimeoutException - if time out after retries (TimeoutException is a subclass of IOException)
See Also:
snmpWalk(SnmpOID, Listener), snmpbulkwalk.java example


public void snmpGetSubtree(String startingOID,
                           Listener listener)
                    throws IOException
The GetSubtree operation allows a management application to retrieve "subtrees" of MIB data asynchronously. It first specifies the root of the subtree to be retrieved (it can be rooted anywhere at the head of a table, a specific column, a mib group etc.) and then retrieve all MIB objects under that root.

startingOID - the oid to start with. If it's a MIB node name (such as "sysUpTime", "ifAdminStatus.2"), it'll be converted to SnmpOID first if corresponding MIB file has been loaded by calling loadMib method.
listener - a callback interface to be informed when a PDU is received. The msg passed to handleMsg method is an instance of SnmpPdu object.
IOException - if time out (after retries) or socket is not valid.
IllegalArgumentException - if passed MIB node name (such as "sysUpTime") cannot be resolved
TimeoutException - if time out after retries (TimeoutException is a subclass of IOException)
See Also:
Listener.handleMsg(java.lang.Object, com.ireasoning.protocol.Msg), snmpgetsubtree.java example


public void snmpGetSubtree(SnmpOID startingOID,
                           Listener listener)
                    throws IOException
The GetSubtree operation allows a management application to retrieve "subtrees" of MIB data asynchronously. It first specifies the root of the subtree to be retrieved (it can be rooted anywhere at the head of a table, a specific column, a mib group etc.) and then retrieve all MIB objects under that root.

startingOID - the oid to start with
listener - a callback interface to be informed when a PDU is received. The msg passed to handleMsg method is an instance of SnmpPdu object.
IOException - if time out (after retries) or socket is not valid.
TimeoutException - if time out after retries (TimeoutException is a subclass of IOException)
See Also:
Listener.handleMsg(java.lang.Object, com.ireasoning.protocol.Msg), snmpgetsubtree.java example


public void snmpBulkGetSubtree(String startingOID,
                               Listener listener)
                        throws IOException
The GetSubtree operation allows a management application to retrieve "subtrees" of MIB data asynchronously. It first specifies the root of the subtree to be retrieved (it can be rooted anywhere at the head of a table, a specific column, a mib group etc.) and then retrieve all MIB objects under that root. This method differs from snmpGetSubtree in that it uses GET_BULK SNMP query.
(Note: it works only if agent supports GET_BULK operation)

startingOID - the oid to start with. If it's a MIB node name (such as "sysUpTime", "ifAdminStatus.2"), it'll be converted to SnmpOID first if corresponding MIB file has been loaded by calling loadMib method.
listener - a callback interface to be informed when a PDU is received
IOException - if time out (after retries) or socket is not valid.
IllegalArgumentException - if passed MIB node name (such as "sysUpTime") cannot be resolved
TimeoutException - if time out after retries (TimeoutException is a subclass of IOException)
See Also:
snmpGetSubtree(String, Listener), snmpbulkgetsubtree.java example


public void snmpBulkGetSubtree(SnmpOID startingOID,
                               Listener listener)
                        throws IOException
The GetSubtree operation allows a management application to retrieve "subtrees" of MIB data asynchronously. It first specifies the root of the subtree to be retrieved (it can be rooted anywhere at the head of a table, a specific column, a mib group etc.) and then retrieve all MIB objects under that root. This method differs from snmpGetSubtree in that it uses GET_BULK SNMP query.
(Note: it works only if agent support GET_BULK operation)

listener - a callback interface to be informed when a PDU is received
IOException - if time out (after retries) or socket is not valid.
TimeoutException - if time out after retries (TimeoutException is a subclass of IOException)
See Also:
snmpGetSubtree(SnmpOID, Listener), snmpbulkgetsubtree.java example


public void snmpBulkGetSubtree(SnmpOID startingOID,
                               Listener listener,
                               int maxRepetitions)
                        throws IOException
The GetSubtree operation allows a management application to retrieve "subtrees" of MIB data asynchronously. It first specifies the root of the subtree to be retrieved (it can be rooted anywhere at the head of a table, a specific column, a mib group etc.) and then retrieve all MIB objects under that root. This method differs from snmpGetSubtree in that it uses GET_BULK SNMP query.
(Note: it works only if agent support GET_BULK operation)

listener - a callback interface to be informed when a PDU is received
maxRepetitions - Number of repetitions for the variable bindings to get multiple times.
IOException - if time out (after retries) or socket is not valid.
TimeoutException - if time out after retries (TimeoutException is a subclass of IOException)
See Also:
snmpGetSubtree(SnmpOID, Listener), snmpbulkgetsubtree.java example


public SnmpVarBind[] snmpGetSubtree(String startingOID)
                             throws IOException
The GetSubtree operation allows a management application to retrieve "subtrees" of MIB data. It first specifies the root of the subtree to be retrieved (it can be rooted anywhere at the head of a table, a specific column, a mib group etc.) and then retrieve all MIB objects under that root.

startingOID - the oid to start with. If it's a MIB node name (such as "sysUpTime", "ifAdminStatus.2"), it'll be converted to SnmpOID first if corresponding MIB file has been loaded by calling loadMib method.
received SnmpVarBind array. An empty array if no data received.
IOException - if time out (after retries) or socket is not valid.
IllegalArgumentException - if passed MIB node name (such as "sysUpTime") cannot be resolved
TimeoutException - if time out after retries (TimeoutException is a subclass of IOException)
See Also:
snmpgetsubtree.java example


public SnmpVarBind[] snmpGetSubtree(String startingOID,
                                    SnmpError error)
                             throws IOException
The GetSubtree operation allows a management application to retrieve "subtrees" of MIB data. It first specifies the root of the subtree to be retrieved (it can be rooted anywhere at the head of a table, a specific column, a mib group etc.) and then retrieve all MIB objects under that root.

startingOID - the oid to start with. If it's a MIB node name (such as "sysUpTime", "ifAdminStatus.2"), it'll be converted to SnmpOID first if corresponding MIB file has been loaded by calling loadMib method.
error - an SnmpError object that will be used to store error info if any
received SnmpVarBind array. An empty array if no data received.
IOException - if time out (after retries) or socket is not valid.
IllegalArgumentException - if passed MIB node name (such as "sysUpTime") cannot be resolved
TimeoutException - if time out after retries (TimeoutException is a subclass of IOException)
See Also:
snmpgetsubtree.java example


public SnmpVarBind[] snmpGetSubtree(SnmpOID startingOID)
                             throws IOException
The GetSubtree operation allows a management application to retrieve "subtrees" of MIB data. It first specifies the root of the subtree to be retrieved (it can be rooted anywhere at the head of a table, a specific column, a mib group etc.) and then retrieve all MIB objects under that root.

startingOID - the oid to start with
received SnmpVarBind array. An empty array if no data received.
IOException - if time out (after retries) or socket is not valid.
TimeoutException - if time out after retries (TimeoutException is a subclass of IOException)
See Also:
snmpgetsubtree.java example


public SnmpVarBind[] snmpGetSubtree(SnmpOID startingOID,
                                    SnmpError error)
                             throws IOException
The GetSubtree operation allows a management application to retrieve "subtrees" of MIB data. It first specifies the root of the subtree to be retrieved (it can be rooted anywhere at the head of a table, a specific column, a mib group etc.) and then retrieve all MIB objects under that root.

startingOID - the oid to start with
error - an SnmpError object that will be used to store error info if any. For SNMPv3, you can use error.isAuthFailed() to check if authentication already failed.
received SnmpVarBind array. An empty array if no data received.
IOException - if time out (after retries) or socket is not valid.
TimeoutException - if time out after retries (TimeoutException is a subclass of IOException)
See Also:
snmpgetsubtree.java example


public boolean snmpGetTable(String tableName,
                            SnmpTableModel model)
                     throws IOException
Gets whole MIB table and returns an SnmpTableModel object which contains retrieved data

tableName - table name or oid, such as "ifTable", "interfaces.ifTable", "."
model - an instance of SnmpTableModel or its sub class. This instance will be filled with the result of SNMP queries when method returns
false if tableName cannot be resolved (not found in loaded MIBs); true otherwise
IllegalArgumentException - if passed table name or oid cannot be resolved
See Also:
snmpgettable.java example, snmpGetTableColumn(String tableName), loadMib(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


public boolean snmpGetTable(String tableName,
                            SnmpTableModel model,
                            int maxVarBindCount)
                     throws IOException
Gets whole MIB table and returns an SnmpTableModel object which contains retrieved data

tableName - table name or oid, such as "ifTable", "interfaces.ifTable", "."
model - an instance of SnmpTableModel or its sub class. This instance will be filled with the result of SNMP queries when method returns
maxVarBindCount - the maximum number of variable bindings to be sent in a SNMP PDU. Default value is -1 (unlimited).
false if tableName cannot be resolved (not found in loaded MIBs); true otherwise
IllegalArgumentException - if passed table name or oid cannot be resolved
See Also:
snmpgettable.java example, snmpGetTableColumn(String tableName), loadMib(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


public boolean snmpGetTable(MibTreeNode tableNode,
                            SnmpTableModel model,
                            int maxVarBindCount)
                     throws IOException
Gets whole MIB table and returns an SnmpTableModel object which contains retrieved data

tableNode - MIB table node object
model - an instance of SnmpTableModel or its sub class. This instance will be filled with the result of SNMP queries when method returns
maxVarBindCount - the maximum number of variable bindings to be sent in a SNMP PDU. Default value is -1 (unlimited).
false if tableName cannot be resolved (not found in loaded MIBs); true otherwise
IllegalArgumentException - if passed table name or oid cannot be resolved
See Also:
snmpgettable.java example, snmpGetTableColumn(String tableName), loadMib(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


public SnmpTableModel snmpGetTable(String tableName)
                            throws IOException
Gets whole MIB table and returns an SnmpTableModel object which contains retrieved data

tableName - table name or oid, such as "ifTable", "interfaces.ifTable", "."
an instance of SnmpTableModel, or null if passed tableName is not found in MIB (Make sure loadMib method is called beforehand).
IllegalArgumentException - raised if passed oid can not be translated into table name
See Also:
snmpgettable.java example, snmpGetTable(String tableName, SnmpTableModel model), loadMib(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


public SnmpTableModel snmpGetTable(String tableName,
                                   int maxVarBindCount)
                            throws IOException
Gets whole MIB table and returns an SnmpTableModel object which contains retrieved data

tableName - table name or oid, such as "ifTable", "interfaces.ifTable", "."
maxVarBindCount - the maximum number of variable bindings to be sent in a SNMP PDU. Default value is -1 (unlimited).
an instance of SnmpTableModel, or null if passed tableName is not found in MIB (Make sure loadMib method is called beforehand).
IllegalArgumentException - raised if passed oid can not be translated into table name
See Also:
snmpgettable.java example, snmpGetTable(String tableName, SnmpTableModel model), loadMib(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


public SnmpVarBind[] snmpGetTableColumn(SnmpOID columnOID)
                                 throws IOException
Returns the values of passed table column. For example, if passed columnOID is "." (ifSpeed), it returns values of all instances of ifSpeed.

columnOID - column OID, such as "." (ifSpeed)
the SnmpVarBind array of column's instances. Or null if passed columnName can't be translated to OID (if MIB file is not loaded by calling loadMib method)
See Also:
loadMib(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


public SnmpVarBind[] snmpGetTableColumn(String columnName)
                                 throws IOException
Returns the values of passed table column. For example, if passed columnName is "ifSpeed", it returns values of all instances of ifSpeed.

columnName - column name, such as "ifSpeed" error.isAuthFailed() to check if authentication already failed.
the SnmpVarBind array of column's instances. Or null if passed columnName can't be translated to OID (if MIB file is not loaded by calling loadMib method)
See Also:
loadMib(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


public SnmpVarBind[] snmpGetTableColumn(String columnName,
                                        SnmpError error)
                                 throws IOException
Returns the values of passed table column. For example, if passed columnName is "ifSpeed", it returns values of all instances of ifSpeed.

columnName - column name, such as "ifSpeed"
the SnmpVarBind array of column's instances. Or null if passed columnName can't be translated to OID (if MIB file is not loaded by calling loadMib method)
See Also:
loadMib(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


public SnmpPdu snmpInformRequest(long sysUpTime,
                                 SnmpOID snmpTrapOID,
                                 SnmpVarBind[] vbs)
                          throws IOException
Sends SNMPv2c/v3 INFORM request to the remote trap receiver.
The default port for sending inform requests (162) is not the same used for the GET, GET_NEXT, SET etc... operations (161). So a different SnmpSession should be used for this method.

sysUpTime - sysUpTime value
snmpTrapOID - The SnmpOID of snmpTrapOID object
vbs - An array of SnmpVarBind objects, other than sysUpTime and snmpTrapOID. Use null if no vbs to be added.
IOException - if time out (after retries) or socket is not valid.
TimeoutException - if time out after retries (TimeoutException is a subclass of IOException)


public void setTarget(Target target)
Sets a new target

setTarget in class Session
target - new target object


public void setTarget(SnmpTarget target)
Sets a new target

target - new target object


public void setTimeout(int timeout)
                throws SocketException
Sets time out value of underlying Socket of synchronous requests. Default value is 60 seconds. setTimeoutForAsyncRequests should be used for asynchronous requests.

setTimeout in class Session
timeout - the specified timeout in milliseconds. A timeout of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout.
See Also:
java.net.Socket.setSoTimeout(int), setTimeoutForAsyncRequests(int)


public void setTimeoutForAsyncRequests(int timeout)
Set timeout value for asynchronous requests. Default value is 60 seconds.
When time out occurs, the listener's handleMsg method will receive a TimeoutErrorMsg message.

timeout - the specified timeout in milliseconds. A timeout of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout.
See Also:


public int getTimeoutForAsyncRequests()


public void setV3Params(String userName,
                        String authProtocol,
                        String authPassword,
                        String privPassword)
Sets SNMPV3 USM user information, assuming empty contextName ("") and contextEngineID ( zero length byte array, that is, 'new byte[0]') . If setV3Params was called before, this call will remove old user information. authoritativeEngineID and engineTime will be obtained automatically through discovery.

Security level is determined by the passed authPassword and privPassword, if both of them are null or empty strings, security level is noAuthNoPriv. If privPassword is null or empty string, security level is authNoPriv. If both of them are non-empty strings, security level is authPriv.

userName - user name
authProtocol - authentication protocol, one of {SnmpConst.MD5, SnmpConst.SHA, SnmpConst.SHA224, SnmpConst.SHA256, SnmpConst.SHA384, SnmpConst.SHA512}, which one to use is determined by the authentication protocol agent uses
authPassword - authentication password. It will be used to generate localized authentication key.
privPassword - privacy protocol password. It will be used to generate localized privacy key.
See Also:
setV3Params(String userName, String authProtocol, String authPassword, String privPassword, String contextName, byte[] contextEngineID)


public void setV3Params(String userName,
                        String authProtocol,
                        String authPassword,
                        int privProtocol,
                        String privPassword)
Sets SNMPV3 USM user information, assuming empty contextName ("") and contextEngineID ( zero length byte array, that is, 'new byte[0]') . If setV3Params was called before, this call will remove old user information. authoritativeEngineID and engineTime will be obtained automatically through discovery.

Security level is determined by the passed authPassword and privPassword, if both of them are null or empty strings, security level is noAuthNoPriv. If privPassword is null or empty string, security level is authNoPriv. If both of them are non-empty strings, security level is authPriv.

userName - user name
authProtocol - authentication protocol, one of {SnmpConst.MD5, SnmpConst.SHA, SnmpConst.SHA224, SnmpConst.SHA256, SnmpConst.SHA384, SnmpConst.SHA512}, which one to use is determined by the authentication protocol agent uses
authPassword - authentication password. It will be used to generate localized authentication key.
privProtocol - privacy protocol. One of {SnmpConst.DES, SnmpConst.AES, SnmpConst.AES192, SnmpConst.AES256}. Default value is SnmpConst.DES
privPassword - privacy protocol password. It will be used to generate localized privacy key.
See Also:
setV3Params(String userName, String authProtocol, String authPassword, String privPassword, String contextName, byte[] contextEngineID)


public void setV3Params(String userName,
                        String authProtocol,
                        String authPassword,
                        String privPassword,
                        String contextName,
                        byte[] contextEngineID)
Sets SNMPV3 USM user information. If setV3Params was called before, this call will remove old user information. authoritativeEngineID and engineTime will be obtained automatically through discovery.

Security level is determined by the passed authPassword and privPassword, if both of them are null or empty strings, security level is noAuthNoPriv. If privPassword is null or empty string, security level is authNoPriv. If both of them are non-empty strings, security level is authPriv.

userName - user name
authProtocol - authentication protocol, one of {SnmpConst.MD5, SnmpConst.SHA, SnmpConst.SHA224, SnmpConst.SHA256, SnmpConst.SHA384, SnmpConst.SHA512}, which one to use is determined by the authentication protocol agent uses
authPassword - authentication password. It will be used to generate localized authentication key.
privPassword - privacy protocol password. It will be used to generate localized privacy key.
contextName - context name. Contexts are used to identify subsets of objects, within the scope of an engine, a contextName refers to a particular subset within an engine. If you want to change context name for a SNMP request, you can use SnmpPdu.setContextName() to change it for that PDU.
contextEngineID - context engine ID. Don't be confused with authoritativeEngineID.


public void setV3Params(String userName,
                        String authProtocol,
                        String authPassword,
                        int privProtocol,
                        String privPassword,
                        String contextName,
                        byte[] contextEngineID)
Sets SNMPV3 USM user information. If setV3Params was called before, this call will remove old user information. authoritativeEngineID and engineTime will be obtained automatically through discovery.

Security level is determined by the passed authPassword and privPassword, if both of them are null or empty strings, security level is noAuthNoPriv. If privPassword is null or empty string, security level is authNoPriv. If both of them are non-empty strings, security level is authPriv.

userName - user name
authProtocol - authentication protocol, one of {SnmpConst.MD5, SnmpConst.SHA, SnmpConst.SHA224, SnmpConst.SHA256, SnmpConst.SHA384, SnmpConst.SHA512}, which one to use is determined by the authentication protocol agent uses
authPassword - authentication password. It will be used to generate localized authentication key.
privProtocol - privacy protocol. One of {SnmpConst.DES, SnmpConst.AES, SnmpConst.AES192, SnmpConst.AES256}. Default value is SnmpConst.DES
privPassword - privacy protocol password. It will be used to generate localized privacy key.
contextName - context name. Contexts are used to identify subsets of objects, within the scope of an engine, a contextName refers to a particular subset within an engine. If you want to change context name for a SNMP request, you can use SnmpPdu.setContextName() to change it for that PDU.
contextEngineID - context engine ID. Don't be confused with authoritativeEngineID.


public void setV3Params(String userName,
                        String authProtocol,
                        String authPassword,
                        int privProtocol,
                        String privPassword,
                        String contextName,
                        byte[] contextEngineID,
                        boolean keyExpansionWithEngineID)
Sets SNMPV3 USM user information. If setV3Params was called before, this call will remove old user information. authoritativeEngineID and engineTime will be obtained automatically through discovery.

Security level is determined by the passed authPassword and privPassword, if both of them are null or empty strings, security level is noAuthNoPriv. If privPassword is null or empty string, security level is authNoPriv. If both of them are non-empty strings, security level is authPriv.

userName - user name
authProtocol - authentication protocol, one of {SnmpConst.MD5, SnmpConst.SHA, SnmpConst.SHA224, SnmpConst.SHA256, SnmpConst.SHA384, SnmpConst.SHA512}, which one to use is determined by the authentication protocol agent uses
authPassword - authentication password. It will be used to generate localized authentication key.
privProtocol - privacy protocol. One of {SnmpConst.DES, SnmpConst.AES, SnmpConst.AES192, SnmpConst.AES256}. Default value is SnmpConst.DES
privPassword - privacy protocol password. It will be used to generate localized privacy key.
contextName - context name. Contexts are used to identify subsets of objects, within the scope of an engine, a contextName refers to a particular subset within an engine. If you want to change context name for a SNMP request, you can use SnmpPdu.setContextName() to change it for that PDU.
contextEngineID - context engine ID. Don't be confused with authoritativeEngineID.
keyExpansionWithEngineID - For AES 192 and 256, localized key will be expanded with the value of engineID.


public void setV3Params(String userName,
                        String authProtocol,
                        int privProtocol,
                        byte[] authKey,
                        byte[] privKey,
                        String contextName,
                        byte[] contextEngineID)
Sets SNMPV3 USM user information if you know localized authentication and privacy keys. If setV3Params was called before, this call will remove old user information. authoritativeEngineID and engineTime will be obtained automatically through discovery.

Security level is determined by the passed authPassword and privPassword, if both of them are null or empty strings, security level is noAuthNoPriv. If privPassword is null or empty string, security level is authNoPriv. If both of them are non-empty strings, security level is authPriv.

userName - user name
authProtocol - authentication protocol, one of {SnmpConst.MD5, SnmpConst.SHA, SnmpConst.SHA224, SnmpConst.SHA256, SnmpConst.SHA384, SnmpConst.SHA512}, which one to use is determined by the authentication protocol agent uses
privProtocol - privacy protocol. One of {SnmpConst.DES, SnmpConst.AES, SnmpConst.AES192, SnmpConst.AES256}. Default value is SnmpConst.DES
authKey - localized authentication key
privKey - localized privacy key
contextName - context name. Contexts are used to identify subsets of objects, within the scope of an engine, a contextName refers to a particular subset within an engine. If you want to change context name for a SNMP request, you can use SnmpPdu.setContextName() to change it for that PDU.
contextEngineID - context engine ID. Don't be confused with authoritativeEngineID.


public Properties getV3Params()
Returns SNMPv3 parameters in a Properties.

Keys in Properties are:

 userName     ---     user name
 authProtocol ---     auth protocol. Its value is one of {SnmpConst.MD5,  SnmpConst.SHA,  SnmpConst.SHA224, SnmpConst.SHA256, SnmpConst.SHA384, SnmpConst.SHA512}
 authPassword ---     auth password
 privProtocol ---     priv protocol. Its value is String, one of "" + {SnmpConst.DES, SnmpConst.AES, SnmpConst.AES192, SnmpConst.AES256}
 privPassword ---     priv password
 contextName  ---     context name
 contextEngineID  --- context engineID

The values of the Properties are all String objects.


public SnmpEngine getSnmpV3Engine()
Returns the discovered SNMPv3 engine object. Null value if this session is not an SNMPv3 session.


public static SnmpEngine getSnmpV3EngineByDiscovery(SnmpSession session)
                                             throws IOException
Gets the SNMPv3 engine info thru SNMPv3 discovery.

session - SnmpSession object to be used to issue SNMPv3 requests to get get SnmpEngine info. SNMPv3 parameters must have been configured for the session object.
SnmpEngine object by sending out SNMPv3 discovery packet. It's not thread-safe.


public UsmUser getSnmpV3User()
Returns the SNMPv3 USM user object. Null value if this session is not an SNMPv3 session.


public boolean setSnmpV3Engine(SnmpEngine engine)
Sets SNMPv3 engine, so that SNMPv3 discovery won't occur and the session will use the passed engine object to communicate with SNMPv3 agent.
setV3Params must be invoked before this method.

true if engine has been set successfully.
See Also:
setV3Params(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


public int getVersion()
Returns the SNMP version number supported in this session


public void setVersion(int version)
Sets the SNMP version number supported in this session

version - version number, one of { SnmpConst.SNMPV1, SnmpConst.SNMPV2, SnmpConst.SNMPV3 }, whose values are {0, 1, 3}


public void close()
close the session

close in class Session


public ArrayList broadcastDiscovery(SnmpOID oid)
                             throws IOException
Sends out an SNMP broadcast message without retries. This method will return after it times out, whose value is set by setTimeout method.

For example, for a Class C network like, the broadcast address would be if the netmask is

oid - an OID to be sent in an SNMP GET request.
an ArrayList whose elements are of type HostValue
See Also:


public Target getTarget()
Returns the SnmpTarget object that represents properties of remote agent. Then you can get or set properties of that agent, such as read and write community names.

getTarget in class Session
See Also:


public static void setToUseJCE(boolean b)
Choose to use SUN JCE for SNMPv3 encryption

b - true to use JCE.


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